This time I will membwa you a trip to the lake sebuh
located on the north sumatra?
Tongging is a very large lake area
and lush! there should barbagai kinds of plants, fruits, vegetables
and of course with the air fresh and cool,
and this place is very well suited,
if at tempt made tour!
The first time I come there?
I already feel at home once in place it feels like in heaven?
I therefore give a good solution for an excursion
meets these demands and meets these demands in a love-banc because in my opinion this place
that would be a wonderful tour later karna tempatny rather terencil
and its strategic and natural beauty too? unspoiled
often crowd of people from out of town and even foreign dri!
come to this place for sightseeing and pilgrimage
to where their ancestors!
Rabu, 27 April 2011
Jumat, 15 April 2011
After the blast, created kaledra (depressions in the ground after a volcanic eruption) which is then filled by water and we now know as Lake Toba.
Middle of Lake Toba also has a small island which is also called the island of Samosir.
If friends all want to go see the lake Toba, it is advisable to drop into town Parapat. From there can see the beautiful lake toba clearer. Parapat also one tourist city in northern Sumatra. So do not worry for business accommodation, hospitality, and the like. :) Hopefully there is available. And also later from Parapat Toba access to other nearby tourist kedaerah easier, because no ship, ferry, or the like that are ready to transport.
The majority ethnic population in the vicinity of Lake Toba is a hobo. In general, people over there livelihood as farmers, traders, and fishermen. Personal Sy actually quite impressed with its natural lake toba and potential regardless of the facts that say that the number of tourists has dropped there from lack of attention and care of a responsible party.
Whatever it is Lake Toba is going to be our joint responsibility and obligation to preserve.
Kamis, 14 April 2011
2 . Marine Nature Park Pulau Weh

Geographically TWA Weh Island Marine is located at 0552 'North latitude and 9552' east longitude. While public administration including District Sukakarya, Sabang Municipality, Province Aceh and in terms of forest management including the Natural Resources Conservation Resort Iboih and get in on the Sub-Institute for Natural Resources Conservation Aceh Province.
In TWA Sea Pulau Weh, Sabang there are coral reefs, both hard corals and soft corals of all types, shapes and colors, all of which form a cluster of interesting reef to be enjoyed, among other areas of coral reefs with names lupas, deer corals, coral crackers.
In addition to coral reefs, sea TWA Pulau Weh, Sabang can be found species of reef fish such as Angel fish, fish Tropet, Dunsel fish, fish Sergeon, Grope fish, Parrot fish and others. These fish are in the vicinity of TWA Sea and part of Pulau Weh is endemic in this area. It also found the types of fish such as tuna economical, Snapper, Grouper, Bayan, Banana-pisangan and others.
Nature tourism activities that can be done in Pulau Weh is TWA Sea tourist activities such as surfing, boat ride, swimming, fishing, and diving under the water to enjoy nature with the diversity of coral reefs and reef fish are beautiful.
Some of the facilities to support tourism activities, among others: cottages around Iboih built by the community, shelters, toilets, mosque, souvenir kiosks and hotels located in Gapang. In addition there are various facilities located in Rubiah Island built by the Department of Tourism Dati I IN Aceh include: diving center is equipped with facilities (boats, scuba gear), praying, shelter, toilets, guard house, tower lookouts, trails, parks and electrical installations.
1. Masjid Raya Baiturahman

Baiturahman Grand Mosque, located in downtown Banda Aceh, the Aceh is a mosque in Pasar Aceh community pride.
History records in earlier times in this place stood a mosque Kingdom of Aceh. When the Dutch attacked the city of Banda Aceh in 1873, this mosque was burned, but to dampen the anger of the people of Aceh in 1875
Dutch rebuilding of a mosque that stood majestic as his successor today.
This single domed mosque and was built on December 27, 1883. Next Mosque is being expanded to 3 dome in 1935. Last expanded again to 5 dome (1959-1968)
Way Kambas with Indian Forest
Way Kambas Sumatra have animals that are similar to animals living in India such as forest elephants, tigers, rhinos and many other animals. Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) located in Lampung province. Way Kambas consists of freshwater swamp forests, desert shrubs alang-alang/semak, and coastal forests in Sumatra. On the Way Kambas elephant ride tour there so that we can feel the sensation like the kings of India who is said to travel by riding an elephant.
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Ranu Kumbolo with European pine forests
Ranu Kumbolo located in East Java, a lake in the mountains Semeru with altitude 2500 meters above sea level. Not far from there Kumbolo Ranu meadow surrounded by hills and mountains with beautiful views, wide meadows with pine-covered slopes of Europe. When the temperature is below 0 ° c, sometimes a small snowfall. If the temperature is very cold lake edges ranukumbolo can freeze, and also seen the grass is white as snow because of the frozen dew on the grass which makes the atmosphere like in Europe. Note the photo Ranu Kumbolo a glance similar to the photo Lake Seefeld, Austria in Europe.
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Cibodas with Sakura Sakura Garden Japanese
No need to go all the way to Japan to enjoy the beauty of Sakura. In Cibodas Botanical Garden, we could see Sakura trees that have been planted since 1953 will be flowering in the months of January to February or February to March. In Cibodas Botanical Garden has planted hundreds of trees Sakura Sakura with 7 species of plants which cerasoides Prunus, Prunus yedoensis, yamasakura Prunus, Prunus lannesiana, Prunus sp., Prunus arborea, and Prunus costata. Now we can enjoy the 'hanami' (tradition of looking at the flower) without having to go to Japan to see the flowers blooming Sakura in Cibodas.
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Kuta Beach Bali to Hawaii Waikiki Beach
Bali's natural charm keeps the exotic. The beauty of the beach are juxtaposed with the beauty of many beaches on the island of Hawaii. Examples are almost similar to the Kuta beach Waikiki especially crowded beaches with white sand and coconut trees that grow on the beach. Kuta Beach is a tourist spot located in the south of Denpasar, Badung regency, Bali. Kuta Beach is often referred to as Sunset Beach or the beach sunset as opposed to the Sanur beach.
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Gumug Parangkusumo with Sahara Sand
Sand Gumug Parangkusumo located in Yogyakarta. Sand dunes are mounds of sand that contains material along Parangtritis-Parangkusumo until Opak River estuary. This is a unique phenomenon because only one in Southeast Asia we can see the desert like the Sahara desert. Although this sand dune area of the Sahara but did not make as though we are in the Sahara Desert. Sometimes Gumug Parangkusumo Sand is also called as the Sahara in Java.
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National Park with Australia's natural Wasur
Wasur National Park is situated in Merauke, Papua. Wasur national parks, have similar habitat and wildlife of Australia, namely savanah forest with various kinds of kangaroo. In the area of TN have different types of fauna and flora including the Cassowary Bird, Paradise, and kangaroos are smaller than kangaroos in Australia. In TN it also has a kind of swamp that is similar to northern Australia.
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National Park wilderness Baluran with African savannah habitat
Baluran National Park is located in Situbondo, East Java. Baluran National Park is often dubbed as his African Java. Here you can see the miniature African Savanna by savanna that stretched wide and many wild animals that roam like in Africa. You can see a group of deer and bison among the grasses. Here there are also monkeys and various bird species. Views of Mount Kilimanjaro along similar Baluran expanse of dry savanna and golden grass give the impression that this area really like Africa.
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Carstensz Pyramid with Mount Everest
Carstensz Pyramid and Mount Everest is part of Seven summit in seven continents of the world. Carstensz Pyramid is located in the province of Papua. If Mount Everest is the world's highest peak, the Carstensz Pyramid is the highest peak in Indonesia. Both peaks are equally covered by permanent snow. Top of Mount Everest is located in the country Nepal with 8.850 meters high while the Carstensz Pyramyd, Snow Peak in Tropical Indonesia has a 4884 meters high.
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Green Canyon Ciamis with the United States Grand Canyon
Green Canyon or Cukang Taneuh Cijulang Ciamis located in the village near Pangandaran in West Java. At Green Canyon we could see the river with green water tosca flanked by rocks and grove of trees. In that place you will also see the river through the cave with beautiful stalactites and stones stalakmitnya. Natural river Cijulang considered similar to exotic canyons in the Grand Canyon of Colorado, the United States that made the area known as the "Green Canyon". Although not as big as Green Canyon United States Grand Canyon, Green Canyon Cijulang is more green than the Grand Canyon in the United States are barren.
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Waterfalls Moramo with Niagara Falls
Moramo is beautiful terraced waterfall located in the district seven Konawe East, Southeast Sulawesi. This waterfall though not as big as Niagara, but beauty does not lose to Niagara Falls is located on the border of the United States and Canada. With waterfalls Moramo smaller than Niagara, we can enjoy the waterfall Moramo closer and could bathe in the waterfall while this can not be done in Niagara where the water is very swift.
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Park World Tour is in Indonesia
In Indonesia you can enjoy the many sights ranging from the Sahara desert, Sakura flowers, desert landscapes typical of Africa to Europe. You do not need all the way to go overseas to enjoy all that because they exist in Indonesia. This time will write some of the resorts in Indonesia are no less beautiful to the world famous attractions.
Here are the resorts that we try to compare with some of the resorts in the world:
Raja Ampat Papua and Phi Phi Island, Thailand
Raja Ampat Islands is an archipelago located in the western province of Papua New Guinea in the West. Raja Ampat Papua views similar to Phi Phi Island in Thailand even more beautiful than Phi Phi Island, which became the location of the movie The Beach, starring Leonardo Caprio it. Raja Ampat in Papua, we can see the islands are hilly green with crystal clear sea water.
Here are the resorts that we try to compare with some of the resorts in the world:
Raja Ampat Papua and Phi Phi Island, Thailand
Raja Ampat Islands is an archipelago located in the western province of Papua New Guinea in the West. Raja Ampat Papua views similar to Phi Phi Island in Thailand even more beautiful than Phi Phi Island, which became the location of the movie The Beach, starring Leonardo Caprio it. Raja Ampat in Papua, we can see the islands are hilly green with crystal clear sea water.
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